Obtain Diameter Average Response Time with Wireshark
To get the average response time of diameter credit control requests using wireshark do the following:
1. Open a capture file in wireshark
2. From the "Statistics" menu select "I/O Graph". If wireshark starts to parse the content you may cancel it.
3. On the "I/O Graph" window, under the "Y axis" section, set for the Unit field the value "Advance"
4. On the "Graphs" Section we need to fill the fields as follows:
- Filter: (diameter.flags.request == 0 && diameter.cmd.code == 272)
- Calc select: AVG(*) type: diameter.resp_time
What we are doing here is that we are filtering all the requests and getting only the responses (diameter.flags.request==0) and making sure that the requests are credit control requests (diameter.cmd.code==272).
5. Click on "Graph 1"
That's it.
HI, When I go to statistics-> IO Graph, I dont see the Y-Axis and X-Axis option to configure