Monday, November 23, 2015

Obtain Diameter Average Response Time with Wireshark

Obtain Diameter Average Response Time with Wireshark

To get the average response time of diameter credit control requests using wireshark do the following:

1. Open a capture file in wireshark

2. From the "Statistics" menu select "I/O Graph". If wireshark starts to parse the content you may cancel it.

3. On the "I/O Graph" window, under the "Y axis" section,  set for the Unit field the value "Advance"

4. On the "Graphs" Section we need to fill the fields as follows:
  • Filter: (diameter.flags.request == 0 && diameter.cmd.code == 272)
  • Calc select: AVG(*) type: diameter.resp_time

What we are doing here is that we are filtering all the requests and getting only the responses (diameter.flags.request==0) and making sure that the requests are credit control requests (diameter.cmd.code==272). 

5. Click on "Graph 1"

That's it. 

1 comment:

  1. HI, When I go to statistics-> IO Graph, I dont see the Y-Axis and X-Axis option to configure
