Monday, November 16, 2015

Multiple Interface Network Capture Script

On many projects you need to take network traces form several interfaces and then merge them. The below script needs to be run on each host and it takes network traces from several interfaces and waits until any key is pressed; once you press any key, the script will stop tshark and will merge the files into one file.

The script input is a directory name, 

starttraces.csh <directory>

for example: 

starttraces.csh monday

it will create a directory named monday and the captured files will be located inside

mkdir $1
sudo tshark -inet7 -w$1/`hostname`.network7.$1.pcap -P &
sudo tshark -inet11 -w$1/`hostname`.network11.$1.pcap -P &
sudo tshark -inet5 -w$1/`hostname`.network5.$1.pcap  &
sudo tshark -inet9 -w$1/`hostname`.network9.$1.pcap  &
term=`tty | cut -f3- -d'/'`
echo "Press any key to terminate and merge"
dd count=1
sudo pkill tshark -t $term
sudo chmod -R 777 *
mergecap -w$1/`hostname`.merged7_11.cap $1/`hostname`.network7.$1.pcap $1/`hostname`.network11.$1.pcap
mergecap -w$1/`hostname`.merged5_9.cap $1/`hostname`.network5.$1.pcap $1/`hostname`.network9.$1.pcap
echo "Trace Name: "$1

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